Notice of Expected Behavior during bg视讯 Programs

bg视讯是 committed to providing safe and accepting community programing. We do so by standing firmly against hateful speech and 行为 of all kinds and firmly behind our employees, 合作伙伴, 参与者, community members and o的rs who share our values. We welcome all who want to learn and improve 的 world we share, as long as 的y join us with an open mind and heart and treat each o的r with respect and dignity.

When you participate in bg视讯 program offerings you will:

  • Be considerate and respectful to all staff, fellow 参与者 and 的 community at large.
  • Refrain from demeaning, 歧视性的, or 骚扰 行为, 材料, and speech.
  • Speak up if you observe anything at an event that conflicts with this Code of Conduct. If you are being harassed or feel uncomfortable, notice that someone else is being harassed, 或者有其他顾虑, please contact a member bg视讯’s staff.

Unacceptable 行为 from any participant or attendee will not be tolerated. Unacceptable 行为 includes, but is not limited to:

  • 令人生畏的, 骚扰, 虐待, 歧视性的, 贬义的, 或者侮辱性的言语, 材料, or conduct by any Attendee of 的 event and related event activities. Many event venues are shared with members of 的 public; please be respectful to all patrons of 的se locations.
  • Violence, threats of violence, or violent 语言 or symbols directed against ano的r person.
  • Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or o的rwise 歧视性的 jokes and 语言.
  • Personal insults or oppressive 行为, particularly those related to gender, 性取向, 比赛, 宗教, 能力基础, 年龄, 文化背景, 教育, 种族, 移民身份, 语言, 国籍, 外表, 或宗教. 
  • Taking photos or video or audio recordings which are used for 的 purpose of embarrassing or 骚扰 an attendee, or edited or o的rwise distorted for such purposes, or which use 的 likeness of an individual for commercial purposes without consent.
  • 任何喧闹的, 淫荡的, or offensive 行为 or 语言, including but not limited to using sexually explicit or offensive 语言, 材料或行为, 或者任何语言, 行为, or content that contains profanity, 猥亵的手势, 或种族, 宗教, 或者种族歧视.
  • Failure to obey any rules or regulations or directions given by event staff.

bg视讯 may direct any Attendee who violates 的 Code of Conduct to leave 的 venue and reserves 的 right to ban individuals from all of bg视讯’s events and programing. 除了, bg视讯 staff reserves 的 right to discontinue 的 program unless 的 unacceptable 行为 is corrected, or 的 disruptive party leaves 的 venue.

Due to a printing delay, 2024 Health Bucks will not be available until early/mid-January.

Debido a un retraso en la impresión, las Health Bucks 2024 no estarán disponibles hasta el mediados de enero.

纽约市健康与心理卫生局通知bg视讯,由于印刷延误,2024 健康卡要到以下日期才能提供

Departament Zdrowia i Higieny Psychicznej NYC poinformował nas, że z  powodu opóźnienia w druku, 2024 Health Bucks nie będą dostępne do czasu początek/połowa stycznia. 

Департамент здравоохранения и психической гигиены Нью-Йорка сообщил нам, что в связи с задержкой печати "Баксы здоровья 2024" не будут доступны до  начало середина января. 

  • bg视讯

    bg视讯的网络 Greenmarket farmers markets and Farmstands, coupled with bg视讯批发, ensures that all New Yorkers have access to 的 freshest, 最健康的本地食物.

  • “零浪费”

    We provide food scrap drop-offs, 服装集合, 停止'N' Swap® community reuse events, and zero waste trainings to make resource conservation easy for all.

  • 绿色空间

    We build and rejuvenate community gardens and urban farms in all 5 boroughs, and support even 更多的 gardens through volunteer days, 技术援助, 学校花园补助金, & 更多的.

  • 教育

    We foster future environmental stewards by providing 66,000 children each year with programs that provide meaningful interactions with 的 natural environment.