布鲁克林 Community 花园s

bg视讯 has built 更多的 than 150 new gardens, including GreenThumb community gardens; gardens in public housing developments, 日托中心, and senior centers; and our urban farm on Governors Island. We build about 10 new gardens a year and do renovation projects at an additional 25.

New Yorkers can find out 更多的 information about 的 community gardens that we've built in 布朗克斯布鲁克林, 曼哈顿, 皇后区, or 史泰登岛.

Interested in joining one of NYC's 600 community gardens? 找一个 绿洲地图 或在 绿拇指网站.


谢丽尔的别墅花园 (1997)
First Quincy Street Block Association (2004)
盖兹丰收花园 (2017)
金禾园 (2013)
Hattie Carthan Community 花园 (2019)
Kosciusko 花园/Learning Center (1998)
Progressive Adventure Playland (1987)
The Pulaski Playhouse 花园 (1999)
Spencer's Little Heaven (2001)
Whole Neighborhood 花园 (2013)

Wyckoff-Bond花园 (1979)

Amboy Neighborhood 花园 (1982)
布朗斯威尔 Green Community 花园 (2015)
E. Lincoln Housing Community 花园 (1997-2002)
恩尼成功园 (2015)
Georgia Avenue Community 花园 (2018)
Our Lady of The Presentation 花园 (1983)
Phoenix Community 花园 (2007)

Children's Grove/Arboleda de Ninos (2006)
美好生活花园 (2018)
Howard's Glen 花园 (1994-1997)
莫法特街花园 (2016)

1100 Block Bergen Street Association (1982)
196 Albany Avenue Park/Playground (1995)
Union Street 花园 (Eastern Parkway Coaltion 花园) (2005)

杰克花园 (2020)

400 Montauk Block Association Community 花园 (2016)
Ashford Learning 花园 (2014)
Chestnut Street Community 花园 (2014)
克拉拉的花园 (2020)
普韦布洛花园 (2012)
Elton Court 花园/UJIMA II (2001)
Family Community 花园 (2019)
Fannie Barnes Children's Playground (1992)
Glen更多的 Grown 花园 (2014)
Linwood Street 花园 (Pagan's 花园) (2017)
Nehemiah Ten Community 花园 (2019)
P.S. 4天堂花园 (1996)
宇岛花园 (1995)
Warwick Street Greenery Glow 花园 (2016)

East 43rd Street Block Association Community 花园 (2015)

Lentol花园 (2018)

Hull Street Community 花园 (2001)
The Miracle Playground (1991-2004)
Our Lady of Lourdes 花园 (1981-2016)

Greenspace @ President Street (2006)

醋山 Community 花园 (2013)

Hooper格罗夫 (2017)
Keap Fourth Community 花园 (2013)
McCarren Park Demonstration 花园 (2016)
Placita Infantil at Nuestros Ninos Daycare (1991)
权力街 (2020)
Sunshine Community 花园 (1996)


Due to a printing delay, 2024 Health Bucks will not be available until early/mid-January.

Debido a un retraso en la impresión, las Health Bucks 2024 no estarán disponibles hasta el mediados de enero.

纽约市健康与心理卫生局通知bg视讯,由于印刷延误,2024 健康卡要到以下日期才能提供

Departament Zdrowia i Higieny Psychicznej NYC poinformował nas, że z  powodu opóźnienia w druku, 2024 Health Bucks nie będą dostępne do czasu początek/połowa stycznia. 

Департамент здравоохранения и психической гигиены Нью-Йорка сообщил нам, что в связи с задержкой печати "Баксы здоровья 2024" не будут доступны до  начало середина января. 

  • bg视讯

    bg视讯的网络 Greenmarket farmers markets and Farmstands, coupled with bg视讯批发, ensures that all New Yorkers have access to 的 freshest, healthiest local food.

  • “零浪费”

    We provide food scrap drop-offs, 服装集合, 停止'N' Swap® community reuse events, and zero waste trainings to make resource conservation easy for all.

  • 绿色空间

    We build and rejuvenate community gardens and urban farms in all 5 boroughs, and support even 更多的 gardens through volunteer days, 技术援助, 学校花园补助金, & 更多的.

  • 教育

    We foster future environmental stewards by providing 66,000 children each year with programs that provide meaningful interactions with 的 natural environment.